The SFO participates in various domestic and international initiatives focused on fisheries management and marketing. These include:
Seafood Scotland
The SFO is a founding shareholder and board member of Seafood Scotland, the Scottish industry-led seafood marketing body. The role of Seafood Scotland is to increase the value of Scottish seafood throughout the value chain by increasing demand at home and abroad. The Seafood Scotland Board consists of representatives from the Scottish seafood catching and processing sectors.
EU Advisory Councils
The SFO actively participates in four EU Advisory Councils (ACs); the North Sea AC, North-Western Waters AC, Pelagic AC and Market AC. The Advisory Councils are stakeholder-led forums that provide the European Commission and EU countries with recommendations on fisheries management matters. Participation includes representation at Executive Committee meetings and contributions to the drafting of advice in appropriate working groups and expert focus groups.
Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG)
The SFO is a member of the Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG). The SPSG is an industry funded organisation which oversees the certification of Scotland’s main pelagic fisheries to the Marine Stewardship Council eco-label standard.
Scottish Fisheries Sustainability Accreditation Group (SFSAG)
The SFO is also member of the Scottish Fisheries Sustainability Accreditation Group (SFSAG). Similar to the SPSG, the SFSAG is the industry funded organisation which oversees certification of Scotland’s main demersal fisheries to the Marine Stewardship Council eco-label standard.
Fisheries Management and Conservation Group (FMAC)
The SFO is a member of the Fisheries Management and Conservation Group (FMAC), a decision-making body and discussion forum concerned with all issues connected to sea fisheries management in Scotland. FMAC is chaired by Marine Scotland and has representation from the fishing industry, environmental organisations and Marine Scotland Policy and Science.
Scottish Discards Steering Group (SDSG)
The SFO works closely with Marine Scotland and actively participates in the Scottish Discards Steering Group (SDSG), a sub-group of FMAC, to develop and promote initiatives that reduce unwanted catches.
European Association of Producer Organisations (EAPO)
The SFO is a founding member of the European Association of Fish Producers Organisations (EAPO) and has held the Presidency on two occasions. EAPO represents 38 POs from 10 EU Member States, with approximately 10,000 vessels, 3.5 million tonnes of landings and € 3 billion first sale value.
Scottish Seafish Advisory Committee (SSAC)
The SFO is a member of the Scottish Seafish Advisory Committee (SSAC). With representation from a variety of sectors within the Scottish seafood industry, the role of the committee is to provide strategic guidance and direction to Seafish in Scotland, as well as formulate proposals for Seafish levy investment in Scotland.